Individual Study Permits

Individuals wishing to study archaeological material located in a Greek museum or excavation storeroom must first obtain permission from the relevant authorities within the Hellenic Ministry of Culture. For Canadian scholars the application to the Ministry should normally be made by CIG on their behalf.

Members of CIG are entitled to apply for a study permit through the Institute. Applications should be made directly to the Canadian Institute in Greece no less than three months before the commencement of the study period, although six months is recommended. A fee of C$250 is payable with the application, though this fee may be reduced or waived at the discretion of the Director.

For further information please contact the Assistant Director:

Fieldwork Permits

As a recognized foreign archaeological institute, CIG may apply each year to the Hellenic Ministry of Culture for up to six archaeological fieldwork permits. These include three permits for archaeological excavation and/or archaeological survey, and three permits for excavation and/or survey in collaboration with the Greek Archaeological Service.

Members may apply for a particular permit, subject to the rules and regulations of CIG and the Hellenic Ministry of Culture. Applications for these permits must be submitted to the Permits Committee no later than September 15th of the year preceding that in which the project is to take place. Prior to submitting an application for a permit, members should carefully consult the following documents:

For further information please contact the Chair of CIG’s Permits Committee, Dr. Brendan Burke: