Το Καναδικό Ινστιτούτο στην Ελλάδα


Latest Past Events

Lecture by Allyson Glenn

The Canadian Institute in Greece Orminiou 3A, Athens

Allyson Glenn, "The Alchemy of Art” This lecture is held in the context of acclaimed Canadian artist Allyson Glenn's latest series of works titled “Date with Hermes: Journeying between Dreams and Reality,” on exhibit at the Vorres Museum

Annual Open Meeting: Report of the Director & Lecture by Patrick Baker

The Canadian Institute in Greece Orminiou 3A, Athens

Prof./Καθ. Jacques Perreault (Director/Directeur/Διευθυντής), “The work of the Canadian Institute in 2023-2024” Prof./Καθ. Patrick Baker (Université Laval), “Vie religieuse locale dans une cité grecque d’Asie Mineure : Les oinoposiai de Xanthos à l’époque hellénistique  /  Local religious life in

The Canadian Institute in Greece Orminiou 3A, Athens

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